
The Task

The Process



Final Product

Colonial America

A WebQuest for 4th Grade

The Process

Pick a character from the table below.  Use the Internet resources listed below to gather information about this character.

apprentice   baker   basket maker  
Betsy Ross blacksmith   brick maker  
cabinetmaker  carpenter   child / student
colonial woman / mother   cooper Founding Father  
gunsmith manor lady   manor owner  
merchant   miller printer  
shoemaker   silversmith   slave  
tanner   wheelwright   wigmaker  


This WebQuest will help you better understand what life was like in colonial America. You will gather information about life during colonial times from the perspectives of slaves, artisans, tradesmen, farmers, children, and women.

Begin your study of colonial America by exploring information about the original thirteen colonies. The following links will give you an overview of the general characteristics of the colonies.

Then, each of you will choose a role from the list above.  You will investigate 18th century colonial America from the viewpoint of the character you chose.

You will access the links below to provide the information you will use to develop the identity of your character. Bring your character to life by writing a journal entry to describe him or her. Give the reader a vivid picture of your life by including detailed personal information. Feel free to include other interesting information you discover. Your teacher will determine the length and format of your journal entry.
